Tech savvy Science Fri, 12 Apr 2024 16:44:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tech savvy 32 32 Global warming effect – fact or fiction? Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:20:43 +0000 Arctic warming and climate change = more dangerous hurricanes
The Global Warming Effect… Fact or Fiction?

What happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic. What does this mean for you? Hurricane Harvey, which battered the entire state of Texas, is the type of intense storm we’ll see more of in a warming world, researchers say. Massive rainfall and surging seas have caused catastrophic damage in Greater Texas.

Using models to explore links between climate change and extreme weather
You can never pinpoint a single cause of killer storms. Extreme events always bring multiple factors together at the same time. There is a lot of controversy within the scientific community regarding climate change and extreme weather. Notable, however, is the fact that attributing extreme weather to global warming relies on using models to try to recreate historical weather records.

A weather model, also known as a numerical weather forecast, is a complex algorithm run by supercomputers to try to predict future weather. Different models and assumptions give different answers. But many see the attribution as a start toward quantifying, for example, the increased risks of extreme precipitation events along the Gulf Coast, for example, due to the Arctic and global warming.

In other words, climate science will never be able to predict the weather without error, but by identifying the data relevant to our busy, polluted, windy and rainy planet – it is up to us to take action and leverage the data to benefit from its insights. Will extreme weather conditions get worse as global climate change continues?

To what degree does climate change affect hurricanes?
Is it a little or a lot? The degree of impact of climate change on hurricanes has not been settled. Naturally, people want to know “why” or “how” a disastrous storm descended on their neighborhood. And if possible, people would like to know if there is anything they can do to reduce the chances of it happening in the future.

This controversy has not yet been settled, but several prominent researchers have theories that they do not hesitate to share with a curious public. There is room to grow our knowledge, and for new tools like weather referral to help us manage future risks. What can be done in the future to face future risks? How does renewable energy affect the negative effects of global warming?

Benefits of using renewable energy
Renewable energy—wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower, and biomass—offers significant benefits to our climate, health, and economy. Human activity burdens our atmosphere with carbon dioxide and other greenhouse emissions, which trap heat, steadily warming the planet, and having significant and harmful impacts on our health, environment, and climate.

Increasing the supply of renewable energy will allow us to replace carbon-intensive energy sources and significantly reduce US greenhouse emissions, which lead to many negative impacts on our environment, such as severe weather.

Climate change made Hurricane Harvey more dangerous
It is difficult to make a clear connection between the killer hurricanes and global warming, but there is a common school of thought that theorizes that there is indeed a direct relationship between the killer hurricanes of the past Sandy and Harvey and climate change.

Said Charles H. Geryon, a professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University, said that “what happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic,” he said in a statement Wednesday. “Just like Superstorm Sandy, warming in the Arctic likely played a significant role in making Hurricane Harvey such an intense, deadly storm.”

Green took it a step further by outlining how climate change is affecting both:

  • storm formation
  • And the path you took

Two storms with similar destructive paths to each other, Hurricanes Sandy and Harvey, both continued in a similar fashion. Instead of veering over the ocean as most late-season hurricanes do, these storms line up in densely populated urban areas. Then it faltered, dumping trillions of gallons of water into the regionsresulting in severe property damage and loss of life.

Maddie Stone, Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Sciences, he said climate change has either done or is “likely” to make Harvey worse.

Factors that make tornadoes more dangerous:
We know that rising sea and air surface temperatures affect storms and result in more intense precipitation. In fact, the world’s heaviest downpours are just getting more intense.

Global warming factors that may affect hurricanes:

  • Rapidly rising sea levels – the first global warming factor that may make hurricanes more dangerous Rapid rise in sea levels In the sea region, for example, Texas and New Jersey, which makes the areas more vulnerable to flooding.
  • High temperatures – the second factor is High temperatures in the region This leads to more moisture in the atmosphere, which results in more precipitation falling on the regions.
  • Global warming may also have contributed to:
    • A deep layer of warm water is feeding the cyclone It also intensified near the coast
    • Subtropical high pressure systems – This phenomenon is believed to have stopped intense cyclones near the coast with subtropical high pressure systems keeping the weather system in the middle and causing it to slow or stop its path

Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, believes Harvey was “more intense, a little bit bigger, and longer lasting” than it would have been in the absence of climate change.

The new standard, killer storms?

Many researchers agree that killer storms like Sandy and Harvey are the “new norm” in which greenhouse gases increase sea levels, causing storm surges, which then lead to more precipitation.

Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath quickly became one of the worst natural disasters in US history. The unprecedented duration and intensity of the storm sparked a heated debate about how much climate change was to blame. The short answer is we don’t really know yet. But trying to answer this question will help us better prepare for the future.

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Fighting plastic pollution: What Ghana must do as the world celebrates Earth Day 2018 Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:20:41 +0000 Plastic pollution is one of the devastating environmental challenges on Earth that is destroying its natural resources at an alarming rate in the 21st century. There is a widespread use of plastics in household, industrial and commercial activities. It is estimated that globally, each year, humans generate more than 350 million tons of plastic waste. It is estimated that a third of global plastic waste is caused by product packaging. These plastics are very difficult to decompose and end up haunting people’s lives. The decomposition age of many of these plastics ranges from 50 years to 600 years! Unfortunately, many of these plastics end up being very destructive, destroying our rivers, oceans, forests, and biodiversity. The health consequences of plastic waste on human and animal life cannot be underestimated. Inhalation of burning plastic waste causes various respiratory diseases that claim many lives at rates exponentially higher than the rates of the deadly HIV/AIDS infection. Direct and indirect ingestion of plastic pollutants into water bodies leads to slow suffocation, amoebic dysentery, giardiasis, and other life-saving diseases. Due to the devastating nature of plastic pollution, many international bodies, conservation agencies and governments are considering productive strategies to stop it.

The scourge of plastic pollution is very large in developing countries like Ghana. Apart from the locally generated plastic pollutants, Ghana imports more than 100,000 metric tons of plastic products every year. Many of these plastics become devastating pollutants in the Ghanaian environment. Ghana must devise a strategy on ways to stop the scourge of plastic pollution. One way is to educate the Ghanaian population about the negative health effects of plastic through environmental education programmes. The media should be mandated by the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation to implement plastic pollution awareness and education programmes. The government should reduce the import of plastic products, while completely banning plastic products that contain a high degree of antioxidants. A massive campaign should be intensified to use biodegradable materials as alternatives to plastic. Food processing companies and fast food vendors should engage in dialogue to start using organic or biodegradable packaging in their foods. Great lessons can be learned from the biodegradable paper plates being used in India now. Food scientists and engineers should be assisted with funding to develop and produce sustainable, locally made, biodegradable packaging for their foods.

Another innovative way to combat plastic pollution in Ghana is to encourage the recycling of plastic waste into usable and creative products. This would turn deadly plastic pollutants into economic gains for the country. Technology departments of Ghanaian educational institutions as well as interested companies should be assisted to participate in extensive plastics recycling projects. Lessons can be learned from EcoDomum in Mexico, which is involved in producing housing products through plastic recycling. Artists involved in installation art and other innovative art projects that use plastic waste should be assisted by government funding. In addition, the Government of Ghana must instruct companies that generate many plastic pollutants to find ways to recycle their plastic waste or risk going out of business. Taxes on importing machinery for plastic recycling should be eliminated or reduced to encourage food and beverage producers in Ghana to recycle their plastic waste.

The polluter pay policy should be strengthened by raising the financial penalty or fines, especially for plastic waste. This will increase the flexible nature of government regulations on plastic pollution. The EPA must employ health inspectors charged with the responsibility of reporting people, homes, or industries polluting the environment through their plastic waste and improperly disposing of their plastic waste so that they can be prosecuted. The government should put in place a law as part of the environment laws to arrest and prosecute all people who dump plastic waste indiscriminately into Ghanaian streets, gutters, etc. The Government of Ghana shall cooperate with the traditional authorities in the various Ghanaian communities and assign them the responsibility to establish and enforce environmental regulations to combat the threat of plastic pollution in their jurisdictions. Some countries are now funding scientific studies aimed at producing genetically modified organisms that can degrade plastic in relatively faster timescales, in a matter of weeks by feeding on it. Ghana could consider funding similar studies, all aimed at combating the scourge of plastic pollution.

This is the time when Ghana must hold the world’s hands in fighting the scourge of plastic pollution. Ghana’s government should reduce the import of plastics; Encouraging the use of biodegradable materials, especially as packaging for products, while financing plastic waste recycling projects and generating genetically modified organisms for the consumption of plastic waste. Also, the government should strengthen environmental laws and prosecutions related to plastic pollution while stepping up environmental education about the risks associated with plastic pollution. These strategies will help save the Ghanaian environment, saving the land that is the eternal home and treasure for all biological species.

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5 best careers in political science Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:20:39 +0000 p {bottom margin: 0.25 cm; line-height: 120%; }Link { }

If you want to make your career in the field of political science, then this article is for you. If you are confused about career options after obtaining your degree, don’t worry because there are plenty of career opportunities available to you after completing your Bachelor of Political Science. Let’s see some potential jobs and careers in this stream.

Careers in political science:

Political analyst:

Having chosen undergraduate studies as a major in this field, students can learn a good knowledge of public policy. The only profile in the political field where the skills are really relevant and applicable is a political analyst. In this profile, policy and legislation proposed by candidates should be examined whether they can be pursued or not.


If you want to become a lawyer, you need a bachelor’s degree in political science. The subjects and categories of the pre-law environment are similar to the bachelor’s degree in this degree program. You will learn about all the laws and regulations that help you work for different political groups after completing this degree.

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Political campaign staff:

Election of the candidate is the ultimate slogan of politics. By studying political science, you will learn about the political process and understand the impact of the various parts of politics on electing a candidate. You will primarily work on writing speeches, drafting press releases, and social media, along with planning rallies and interacting with citizens as a Political Campaign Officer.

Marketing Research Analyst:

The market research analyst job profile will be easy for you after completing your political science degree. You may not understand a job profile until you’ve entered it and worked for it. Students will check the quality of a product or service rather than analyzing part of a candidate.

Legislative Assistant:

As a legislative assistant, you will work with representatives, senators, etc. with the help of your writing and communication skills. You will be of great help to legislators through strategy, communication, research or coordination with constituents. Above mentioned are few job opportunities in this field.

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According to the career advice, which is given by the experts, you will surely succeed in choosing the profession in political science.

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Environmental psychology in the workplace and how it affects well-being Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:20:39 +0000 In the workplace, environmental psychology plays a huge role with regard to employee well-being. In fact, environmental psychology studies the relationship between your health and the environment in which you live. In this article, we will dig deeper to know more about it. Read on to find out more.

According to Russell and Snodgrass, environmental psychology is a branch of brain science. It aims to show the relationship between living things and nature. In addition, it studies various aspects of coexistence between people and the environment.

Basically, environmental psychology is a modern concept, and it emerged as a branch of psychology after the publication of research at New York University in 1958.

In fact, this branch of brain science comes from the belief that nature plays a large role in relation to human behavior and development. According to this belief, nature makes an important contribution to how we act, feel, and think.

research paper

A research paper has been published on the same topic. The title of the paper was The relationship between man and nature and its impact on health: a critical review. This research study explores different aspects of our connection to nature. In addition, it explores how this relationship can have an impact on our overall health and well-being.

According to author Valentine Seymour, our relationship with Mother Nature is rooted in the fundamentals of evolutionary psychology. Apart from this, the study sheds some light on the ideas of Scouting, environmentalism, psychology, social economics, and evolutionary biology and how the relationship between all these things affects human health and employee well-being in the workplace. Detailed below are other suggestions made by interdisciplinary research:

If you maintain access to nature, it can help you improve physical conditions, such as chronic pain, heart disease, and high blood pressure. We know that illnesses are very common these days, which is why taking the right precautions is crucial.

If you develop a strong relationship with the natural environment, it can improve your emotional health as well as eliminate feelings of social isolation. Apart from this, it can also help you reduce the symptoms of mental health conditions, such as anxiety, mood disorders, and attention disorders, to name a few.

Also, nature-friendly individuals are more environmentally conscious. Therefore, they are more responsible. Apart from this, they have a rational sense of making the most of their physical space. They are proactive in creating rules and regulations that can help improve and preserve the environment in which they live.

If you are close to nature and notice its important elements, you can appreciate its essence. And all of this can have a therapeutic and self-healing effect on you.

Long story short, you can learn a lot by getting close to your environment. It will give you a new perspective on your healthy life. In addition, you will get motivated to achieve more as an employee. I hope this helps you.

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The necessity of making scientific project plans Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:20:39 +0000 When starting a science project, a student should think of a new concept or idea to make things easier and systematic, which is why it is important to make science project outlines. The idea may be to create a new product that is good for the environment or to discover knowledge. When an idea is formed, the student can begin to set goals and do research work.

Science project outlines are just drafts or proposals of the student’s concept and ideas. This is very important in starting a science project because it will guide the students. The project proposal is still subject to approval, so students need to submit it. If the concept in the draft is good, the teachers return the approved charts to the students. This will officially start the implementation of the project.

The first pages of the outline generally contain the title of the project, its objectives, and the scientific question. An introduction to the study is also provided and put on draft. From these items, the rest of the study follows. One will also be able to find the different methods used in carrying out the project.

To be able to write all the contents of the proposal, the search is performed. Students put enormous effort into reading books, encyclopedias, scientific journals, etc. All things written in a project proposal must be based on facts. Every theory must have a scientific explanation behind it to make the project valid. Otherwise, the project will be useless and may not be approved for passing.

Besides collecting information from books, data is also being collected. History may be collected within the school or outside communities. Data collection is very specific and therefore one must be careful in doing so. Later, the data obtained when performing the statistics will be detailed.

When the project is finished, the chart is presented with the added data again. This time, the teachers will check whether the project is valid and useful. If the project is found to be relevant and useful, it will be retained. Later during the science fair, it will be shown and the judges will be examining it. If it is found to be the best project of all, the participant will be awarded. The project will have the opportunity to join regional, national and international science competitions.

Preparing science project blueprints is very important. It serves as a shape for how the project will be implemented. It also validates a science project because it contains complete information.

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The expanding field of environmental health sciences Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:20:38 +0000 Environmental health sciences can be defined as the evaluation, evaluation and control of chemical, physical and biological hazards in order to protect public health. The sanitation revolution began in the late nineteenth century when it was determined that basic environmental sanitation and hygiene were essential to the prevention of infectious disease. Disposal of sewage and monitoring of water quality were essential to prevent diseases such as cholera.

Today, environmental health science is concerned with more global issues due to population expansion. Such cases are: pandemic influenza and West Nile virus. Also, global warming and ozone layer depletion are probably the two most important, yet most controversial, global environmental health issues today. The environmental health scientist must be well prepared to assess such controversial issues, as their ramifications affect public health.

With globalization and huge advances in technology, an environmental health scientist must have extensive knowledge of health sciences, not just wastewater disposal and water quality control. An advanced degree in Public Health (MPH) provides the necessary general background as well as knowledge of specific environmental health sciences.

Environmental health scientists must also be prepared to work in a team environment with scientists and other health professionals. Solving problems will require a team effort with: doctors, nurses, attorneys, engineers, epidemiologists, law enforcement, and city/county/state/government officials. It is not acceptable to have technical knowledge, one must have extensive knowledge of related subjects.

The following topics will provide basic knowledge of public health as well as knowledge of specific environmental health sciences:

Environmental Toxicology, Public Health and Policy, Epidemiology, Statistics, Global Infectious Diseases, Public Health Infrastructure, Air/Water/Land Pollution Fundamentals.

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Real-time air pollution data collection and the future of environmental science Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:20:38 +0000 Imagine being able to collect real-time air pollution data and greenhouse gas data in our country’s cities and in the lower atmosphere, imagine collecting all that data and storing it in the cloud? Is it possible? Well, it’s becoming a lot more possible than it used to be, thanks to drones, planes, cars, smartphones, cloud computing, sensor technology, and the will of people. Let’s discuss some of the latest developments.

You see, there was interesting new research just published in a popular science journal; “Sensor Arrays for the Detection and Characterization of Methane and Other Environmental Pollutant Gases, Amy Hannon,” By Yijiang Lu, Jing Li, and M. Miyapan; July 25, 2016. The summary states:

“We deal with the sensitive detection and discrimination of gases affecting the environment, such as CH4, NH3, SO2 and CO, using a sensor array with the assistance of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). A 32-element chemical sensor array was constructed from nine different sensor materials including seven types of single-wall modified carbon nanotubes and two types of polymers that were precisely constructed against data collected using bottom-of-the-loop spectroscopy. The sensor chip has also been integrated with a smartphone and has been shown to reproduce sensing performance obtained using a laboratory measurement system.”

We already have drones that have been used to collect atmospheric data, along with planes full of sensors, and now that those sensors are getting smaller and smaller, they can be integrated into the average everyday smartphone. Imagine if all of this data was combined with GPS data, and all in real time?

Perhaps, we can tackle the real problems of air pollution without pretending to know all the answers and deal with them at a regional level, where pollution and really problematic air particles are created on those that have just been classified as “evil” by the status quo of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. By knowing where the problems really are, we can better combat the real problems of human health in cities around the world such as; Mumbai, Shanghai, Beijing, Mexico City and more. With the help of NASA satellites and a centralized networking strategy for mobile sensors that use geographic data all connected to the cloud and cutting-edge ERSI software, we can get it done, and do it right. think about it.

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The relationship of environmental sciences to business administration Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:20:36 +0000 To understand the importance and usefulness of an MBA in Environmental Management, there is a need to know what is Environmental Management first? It is a branch of science that deals with the various elements of the environment and the management of resources in order to maintain a balance between those elements. It is very important to protect our environment.

There are countless businesses in the world, which involve the production of almost every commodity used by man. Unfortunately, the production of these things causes damage to our natural environment, and is very dangerous for our survival. For example, factory smoke pollutes the entire surrounding environment and thus causes serious diseases. The timber trade causes irreversible damage to forests around the world. Besides these examples, almost every business contributes to environmental pollution, in one way or another.

It was felt that there was a need to develop an infrastructure that should analyze and devise ways and means to avoid harming the environment. Keeping this in mind, an exclusive study program known as MBA in Environmental Management has been developed.

Purpose and scope

MBAs in this field are designed to produce professionals who understand business, its impacts on the environment, and the management of it all. Anyone with a basic knowledge of environmental sciences can step into the business community by committing to this master’s degree programme.

Striped course

The following major topics are integrated into the Environmental Management MBA.

• Business Sciences
• accounting
• Audit
Waste management
• Environmental Chemistry
• Environmental assessment
• communication skills

Environmental Sciences with Business Administration is an excellent combination that provides a better understanding of the worst impacts of business on the environment. Professionals in this field can be very helpful in making the environment clean.

career prospect

An MBA holder can get any of the following jobs in the industry:

Waste management supervisor
Environmental technician
• Field waste characterization specialist
Wastewater treatment engineer
Solid waste manager

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Degree in Environmental Science: An investment in the future Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:20:29 +0000 The world is now changing faster than ever since the last ice age 10,000 years ago and the main cause of this change is man. Allowing changes to continue unchecked is reckless at the very least. Observing these changes and being able to convince others that we should or should not undertake activities that affect the environment will require well-qualified people with a relevant environmental degree.

It has often been said that the education offered at colleges and universities is a direct response to the labor market and trends in it. If so, the future for professionals with an environmental science degree couldn’t be brighter.

After the industrial and informational age, we are rapidly entering the ecological age, in which the environment and its characteristics are of paramount importance.

Never before have we, as a society, paid real attention to the environment and many would argue we still aren’t paying enough attention. The continuous exploitation of the Earth’s natural resources and the continuous generation of heat and waste have caused severe damage to the environment.

We live in an age where knowing, understanding and adapting to the environment is no longer an option – it is the only way forward. This era requires qualified professionals, especially those with professional degrees in environmental sciences.

A number of allied degrees find their place alongside traditional environmental science degrees. Major corporations have, for a long time, been required to comply with industrial safety and security requirements. In industries like biotechnology, due to the nature of the products, there are many opportunities for disaster.

Disaster management and hazardous materials management are fields of study that are in high demand by today’s high-tech industries. While these studies are often not comprehensive enough to be offered as degrees on their own, these courses are often partnered with environmental science degrees as part of a package deal.

For an environmental science degree student, it can be an advantage. While pursuing their main course of study, they can obtain qualifications in a number of allied fields. This makes them professionals who are able to enter a wide range of industries when they graduate with an environmental science degree.

As a result of long-standing lobbying, the United States is home to some of the world’s largest and best-funded environmental groups and many of the professionals who work in these groups have degrees in environmental science.

There are jobs with government agencies, lobbying with political groups and institutional organizations, and research positions with other research institutions and organizations. More opportunities exist in the environmental safety departments of major oil companies and even faculty positions at colleges that offer environmental science degrees. They all offer lucrative positions that professionals with an environmental science degree can hope to secure.

An environmental science degree does not deal with environmental topics alone. Due to the nature of their work, professionals with an environmental science degree need to be equipped with allied subjects such as compliance, law, criminal justice, and public communication.

The coursework that ultimately leads to a degree in environmental science is varied and interesting. It is likely that someone with an environmental science degree will be charged with protecting our environment as a result of which we need the best!

If you have a concern about the world we live in or have a desire and determination to do something to improve an increasingly deteriorating habitat, an environmental science degree would be an excellent place to start.

Anyone who aspires to be an environmental professional will usually need to attend a bachelor’s degree in environmental science before going for a master’s or doctoral degree in environmental studies.

Environmental science degrees are offered at all major colleges and universities throughout the United States and the Western world. An environmental science degree can be taken full-time, part-time or by distance learning, so whatever your circumstances you can contribute.

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Investing in Science – Why Life Sciences Real Estate Is Exploding Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:18:45 +0000 The past decade has seen explosive growth in the life sciences sector of commercial real estate. These are companies that are involved in medical research and development of new technologies.

Some notable examples that may come to mind are biotechnology companies or pharmaceutical companies.

Large amounts of capital have been invested and are still being invested in this field, further expanding medical research focused on new technologies and drugs involving DNA and mRNA, stem cell research, and more.

Exciting new technologies have re-ignited enthusiasm in the scientific community, such as artificial intelligence and new breakthroughs in cell and gene therapies.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought increased attention from the general public to a sector of the economy that has been undergoing rapid expansion.

Once we invest in life sciences properties, we must also remember that developing or investing in multi-family properties close to life sciences facilities can be very profitable.

For example, an area where a pharmaceutical company is headquartered will be able to charge higher rents than surrounding areas due to bringing in higher quality tenants either directly or through spin-offs. This is good for all businesses in the surrounding area – from groceries, gyms, shopping malls, and healthcare services.

We are residential specialists targeting many families, however a number of our Class A developments are square in the ‘line of progress’, surrounded by life sciences infrastructure and employers.


Real estate targeted at life sciences companies includes laboratory space for conducting physical experiments as well as a workplace component.

As technology advances, the share of a typical life sciences center dedicated to the workplace has improved.

Scientists and researchers are now spending an increasingly large amount of time on highly advanced computer modeling applications of many parts of their studies that were previously unavailable.

As a result of these trends, these facilities today tend to have slightly larger office space compared to laboratory space.

Talk of lab space may shrink as computers play a larger role in the study, but that doesn’t mean it’s an afterthought in business. On the contrary, the laboratory spaces required now are more advanced and modern than in highly specialized fields of study.

Like all resilient real estate, life sciences facilities need flexibility and the ability to adapt. As distinct areas of research are pursued over time, laboratory space may have to be reoriented, expanded, or moved to different areas of the facility.

Buildings that allow this type of adaptation have been in high demand by life sciences companies that want to survive for years and may go through several distinct phases of research. There is no point in developing a space that cannot be adapted as the company grows.

Demand continues to outpace supply within this sector and it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Here are some reasons why you should consider adding life sciences real estate investing to your portfolio:

1. Funding

As the old saying goes, “follow the money”.

They make grants for scientific research and have given out more than $100 billion in these grants in the past five decades. In addition, Cushman & Wakefield released a report a year ago that showed very good growth over the past decade, along with the growth of venture capital investments in the sector from $3.7 billion to $17.4 billion.

The report also found that between 2012 and 2019, research and development payments from life sciences companies increased by 40%. A similar report from CBRE agreed, finding that venture capital money flowing into the life sciences field is 40 percent higher than it was a decade ago.

2. Growth:

Our development company started in Boston, Massachusetts, which is currently ranked as the #1 market for life sciences by several sources.

We have seen in advance the exponential growth of the local economy driven by the life sciences sector, which has spilled over into demand for housing, housing and other new and higher and premium industrial investments (visit the annotated post on real estate demand cleaners for more information).

That rapid expansion has seen an already strong backbone of 9.6 million square feet of commercial life sciences real estate, which expands to 18 million square feet now, according to CoStar.

These trends are being observed across the country as venture capital funds and grants encourage these companies to seek increasingly more usable space for their research needs.

There is also a certain level of delayed growth that occurs due to the timely nature involved in exploring and creating new technologies and treatments. Funding provided over the past decade originally led to research and development that is just beginning to bear fruit. The push for a vaccine in the wake of the COVID pandemic reveals indications of the kind of muscles these companies are starting to flex after years of steady progress.

Another lesson that the COVID pandemic has taught us is the demand for supply chain repatriation.

Overreliance on foreign links in the supply chain has caused problems and created uncertainty throughout the pandemic and companies want to prevent this by sourcing, even though this involves additional costs.

This trend will provide an opportunity for the new development of warehouses and storage facilities for all these supply chains.

3- Vacancy rate:

Compared to traditional office commercial real estate, lifestyle science has nearly half the vacancy rate, at 9 percent, when considering the national average. Strong markets like Boston and San Francisco saw exceptionally low rates of 4% and 2%, respectively, annually. It will take many years before the supply of new life sciences facilities begins to keep pace with current demand.

4. Functions:

In a report by Cushman & Wakefield, it was found that job growth in the life sciences field increased by 7.5% annually due to 2013. This is a staggering increase compared to the last 20 years, when job growth in this sector was 1% annually. Still another indication that life sciences real estate is in great shape, employment development indicators are usually some of the strongest signs of stable expansion.

5. New Markets:

Although Boston, Seattle, San Diego and San Francisco will be the superstars in today’s life sciences world, the business is growing rapidly and this has begun and will continue to drive growth into new markets. All major life sciences markets today have a higher cost of living which makes it more challenging for employee and employer alike.

This is really driving a push into new markets, including Philadelphia, Maryland, and North Carolina, to name a few. Regions with a strong backbone of research-based universities and well-educated populations will be in a strong position to welcome new life sciences companies into their markets.

To learn more about investing in multifamily real estate, visit our article library:

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