Tech savvy Science Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:22:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tech savvy 32 32 Lynn MacTaggart book review: “The Field” Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:22:41 +0000 As an investigative reporter and admittedly lacking in scientific experience, the author rarely explores the areas that make up the field. Preferring to study it as a ground zero field, Lane explores advanced communication theory, confirmed in part in private interviews, papers, journals, and spin-off books by philosophers, psychologists, inventors, and physicists studying atomism, wave mechanics, the privacy of light, paranormal communication, and parapsychology as it relates to telepathy and mechanics.

To provide the background for this 250-page investigative adventure, McTaggart brings the theory up to date with more than 350 bibliographic references. In the introduction, she suggests: The basis of quantum physics “must originate in the zero-point field — posited as the fundamental nature of matter — as the mainstay of our universe, where packets of quantum energy constantly exchange information in an inexhaustible sea of ​​energy.”

Central to the author’s narrative, this ‘information exchange’ powers the universal connectivity of particle-wave intelligence, residing with everything in a cavernous zero-point field, not easy to locate but ubiquitous. Matter is attributed to its most fundamental level, as an indistinct, indescribable, indivisible, and indestructible particle of energy, describing a single electron that has the ability to influence another quantum particle, at any distance, without any manifestation of energy or force, and fits into a complex and independent network of relationships, forever indivisible. In other words, it recognizes the existence of life in the underlying infrastructure of a universal quantum field, with intelligent design, indestructibility bequeathed according to the law of physics – subject to and contributing to the field of intelligence.

We might suggest: science deserves as much credit as the physics industry. Yet science experts and investigative reporters often wear mine-equipped bridles, as the point of view opens onto a narrow path, onto familiar and often-travelled territory, thrust safely into narrow abstractions, and sometimes oblivious to specific and more logical justifications. And so, immersed in excerpts from the speculative sea that floods scholarly journals, reports, and bibliographic resources that smack of half-truth, untruth, and a bit of relative truth, distinguished theorists and investigative reporters attempt to ground philosophy, the believability of science, and reality in degrees.

Much has been made of the zero point field (ZPF) effect toward energy generation and propagation, but by no means have physicists and related sciences ventured much beyond the frontiers of electrical energy. However, debate still rages about the qualities of photons, heat, dark energy, particles, waves, and light energy. Are they separate, or are they all the same? In the submicroscopic world, measured in nanometers and nanoseconds, some experiments cannot distinguish between a wave or a particle, depending on the approach. Add to this that an advanced intelligence theory of “field” and quantum science must somehow integrate wave connections into quantum mechanics and relativistic workability – and despite the forces of atomic orbital momentum and stability motivation remains as ambiguous as always.

Lynne goes to great lengths to cite various experimental sources working with the qualities of light, even in taking plant and animal light and its emissions to maintain homeostasis, even to restore body parts: “The carcinogenic compound must cause cancer because it permanently blocks and distorts that light, so it can’t fix the picture anymore.” She related how cell function as well as mental cognition occur on a more fundamental level than matter: “In the quantum particle netherworld, we do not see things in and of themselves, but only their quantum information and from that which has formed our picture of the world, it is a matter of tuning into a zero-point field. ”

The entire energy field curriculum shines under the author’s pen, from telepathy to teleology. We can sum up her effort as a visual theory of “the underlying infrastructure of the universe and essentially a means of recording for everything, providing the means for everything to communicate with everything else.”

Although grammatically lazy, the book will awaken minds to possibility, to investigate areas of action not ordinarily publicized, and to greatly expand awareness of the forces that shape human cognition. Indeed, we are an intelligence that lives in historical retrospect; Here, we can travel ahead of the curve and think of the impossible.

More works concerned with the path to advanced understanding, thinking about the unthinkable, in the field of metaphysics and grappling with supposedly unthinkable language in its secret mode, are available and promise to surprise at every turn. Our desire is to arouse curiosity, to present new ideas, and to challenge those ideas and situations that are inconsistent with logical reasoning. A wondrous world of knowledge awaits the curious.

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What do you attract in your life? Connecting the New Age, metaphysics and quantum physics Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:22:39 +0000 “God does not play dice with the universe.” ~ Albert Einstein

In a previous article, I discussed how the “we become what we attract” philosophy dates back thousands of years. What you tell yourself becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy through the power of “I” statements. And that most people don’t realize that they are constantly attracting exactly what they don’t want through negative statements like “I think I’m going to get sick” or “I’m too fat, too old, etc.”

New Age thought often associates self-empowerment with universal energies. Books like The Law of Attraction and The Secret are based on the philosophy that what you put in comes back to you. But to go beyond the idea of ​​a new age, we need to delve into the metaphysics that can be explained through quantum physics.

Metaphysics is derived from the Greek word Meta meaning “beyond” or “after”, and physics related to the physical. Initially the meaning goes beyond the physical, today it includes theories and explanations of phenomena that are often not explained by the physical sciences. Metaphysics can include theories about the origins of the universe, consciousness, the purpose of life, universal laws, and karma. He can try to answer questions that the physical sciences cannot. Metaphysics attempts to explain a phenomenon that conventional science does not. Concepts such as psychic phenomena, telepathy, ESP, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, reincarnation and the spiritual dimension are usually dismissed by science through “lack of evidence”. However, quantum physics actually explains this metaphysical phenomenon.

The field of quantum physics began in the early 20th century. It is a set of principles that describe the behavior of subatomic particles. Quantum theory provides accurate descriptions of many previously unexplained phenomena such as black body radiation and stable electron orbits. In developing quantum theory, physicist Max Planck (1858-1947), who is considered the founder of quantum theory, suggested that energy waves can be described as consisting of small packets or quanta. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) further postulated that an electromagnetic wave like light is composed of particles called photons. This led to a theory of unity between subatomic particles and electromagnetic waves called wave-particle duality in which particles and waves are neither one nor the other, but have properties of both. Quantum mechanics has led to the development of the transistor, electron microscope, magnetic resonance imaging, lasers, and semiconductors.

One of the interesting discoveries of quantum physics is delocalization, the phenomenon that when two particles interact, they continue to influence each other and transmit information between them instantly, no matter how far apart they are. They can be separated by inches, feet, or millions of miles, and information is transmitted instantaneously, indicating instantaneous communication. This transmission of information is not bound by the laws of the physical universe, such as traveling at the speed of light (186,282.4 miles per second). This non-local transmission of information is believed to operate in an unseen reality, a reality that connects all physical events to the universe.

Using theories in quantum physics, we can explain how metaphysical principles such as energy healing, clairvoyance, and out-of-body consciousness work:

Light consists of electromagnetic energy that has properties of both particles and waves.

These subatomic particles can also transmit information and are not bound by properties of space or time.

Human thought/consciousness produces energy similar to that of light with the same properties; Consciousness is not constrained by space and time.

Consciousness/thought consists of energy that can affect matter near or far.

Science now explains how energy can leave the body and affect its surroundings, both near and far (energy particles are non-local). Quantum physics explains how energy is formed from matter and can leave an object, affecting the different layers of energy around it. Science now explains what sages, mystics, and religious leaders have proclaimed for thousands of years, that energy travels in

Waves and can affect the physical world. Our consciousness is the energy that can influence our life by attracting other energy to it. When we release negative energy outward through self-defeating thoughts and statements, that energy returns to us. As do the positive, uplifting energies that will bring back better health, happiness, and prosperity! It’s all in the flag!

Quantum physics also supports that our consciousness does not die when the physical body dies. Our consciousness is the energy that goes on when the body doesn’t. What is observed during near-death experiences and in past life regression (reincarnation) is explained by the “science” of quantum physics.

The science of quantum physics now explains that our consciousness is an energy that can influence our lives, as in New Age thought and that our consciousness is a universal energy that can transcend space, time, and dimensions as in the metaphysical principles of karma, reincarnation, psychic phenomenon, and communication with those universal energies. What you attract depends on science! What do you want to attract?

“Life is a mirror, and it will reflect on the thinker what he thinks.” ~ Dr. Ernest Holmes.

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Adsense science Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:22:39 +0000 Airsoft, like any other sport, involves many scientific principles that go relatively unnoticed. In the heat of battle, one would rarely worry about something like transferring kinetic energy. While knowing airsoft physics won’t realistically help you in the game, it’s good to know the principles. On the other hand, knowing granular projectiles can help you in your game.

The pellets transmit very small amounts of kinetic energy mainly because of their size. Energy transfer is basically impact force. Airsoft and Paintball’s energy transfers have been compared, and Paintball transmits exponentially more energy. Energy transfers are measured in joules, which is the SI derived unit of energy. A standard 20g BB travels at 300 ft/sec. 8 joules, while a standard paintball travels at the same speed approximately 12 joules. Energy transfer can actually be calculated using a mathematical formula; E = 1/2mv2, where E equals joules, m is mass in kilograms, and v is velocity in meters per second. Since paintballs transmit more kinetic energy, they can be considered more harmful than airsoft pellets.

The weight of airsoft pellets greatly affects their speed and trajectory. The lighter the grain, the faster it will travel, but it will also be less fine due to the fact that it will be more susceptible to environmental factors such as wind. Heavier pellets have straighter trajectories, so they are favorable to lighter pellets, but in many cases heavier pellets cannot be used because the airsoft gun using them is not powerful enough to propel the pellets at a rapid rate. Therefore, players who want to use pellets heavier than 0.25 grams need to upgrade their rifle. Another benefit of heavy pellets is that they decelerate slowly, unlike light pellets, which start quickly but quickly lose speed. An Airsoft sniper typically uses .30g pellets because of their higher stability, but sniper weights can go as low as .43g (although expensive upgrades are needed to use this pellet grade). The heaviest pellet is 0.88 g, which is never used in airsoft because it is incredibly slow, not to mention very dangerous, since it is usually made of steel.

The velocity of the pellet is primarily determined by the tension of the spring used to propel the pellet, or, in the case of gas airsoft guns, the type of gas used. The energy transfer is proportional to the velocity of the pellet, and the velocity is also strongly affected by the weight. For example, a .12g pellet using .800J (common energy rating in airsoft) energy will initially transmit 375 fps. However, a 20-gram pellet using the same amount of energy will only travel about 280 fps, and a 0.45-gram pellet will travel at about 200 fps. For a .45 gram pellet to reach a velocity of 375 fps from a .12 gram pellet, it would need to use more than 2.50 joules of energy.

Bernoulli’s principle is the way pellets fly. It is also interesting that this is the principle by which planes reach lift. Bernoulli’s principle states that fluid velocities increase with decreasing pressure. For airsoft, there is a liquid (air) above the pellet at a relatively high velocity, which means that the pressure above the airsoft pellet is lower than the pressure below it, as there is less air flowing under the pellet as there is above it. Therefore, the pressure under the pneumatic pellet will push the pellet up and lift it up, allowing it to fly for a long period of time. The jump systems in airsoft guns apply backspin to the pellets, which makes air travel faster along the top of the pellet and creates a larger pressure difference between the top and bottom.

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Renaissance Science – Electromagnetism for Cosmic Love Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:22:39 +0000 The emotion molecule was discovered in 1972 by scientist Dr. Candace Burt. It was found to be the same molecule that was present in a primitive creature millions of years ago. The evolutionary difference between the primitive life form molecule and the human molecule was that the human vibrates faster. It can be considered that this evolutionary acceleration process may be caused by the fractal expansion of the universe. This suggestion can be assimilated into the lost classical Greek music of the life sciences in the fields. The Harvard/NASA High Energy Department of Astrophysics Library recently published papers demonstrating that the classical Greek worldview was based on fractal logic.

The main difficulties in conducting research in fractal life science are first, that it has been considered heresy, and second, that it defies the law of physics that governs Western scientific culture. Physical energy law requires that all life in the universe be destroyed when the heat of the universe radiates into the cold space. While fractal logic is scientifically accepted as extending infinity, the life sciences within Western universities can only revolve around species evolving towards this supposed heat death extinction. The pagan basis of science once argued that infinite geometrical logic linked the evolutionary process to the workings of the infinite universe, and again dogmatic religious science is on the defensive.

Jesuit priest Teilhardt de Chardin completely refuted the all-encompassing force of the law of physics of total extinction that now governs Western technology. He and colleague Maria Montessori, listed in TIME Magazine’s Century of Science as the Greatest Scientist of 1907, wanted to balance Einstein’s law of destruction, E=Mc2, with the law of fractal logic banned from ancient Greece. De Chardin’s work was denied publication during his lifetime by the Roman Holy Office, and the fundamental law of destructive spirit went on to be referred to by Einstein as the first law of all science.

Montessori had been working with Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison on ideas about how electromagnetic forces could influence young schoolchildren in order to develop creative abilities distinct from the patriarchal or dogmatic influence of the Church. De Chardin and Montessori’s electromagnetic gates to the future cannot be opened for any chosen race or privileged few, but only for all people at the same time. The Science Art Research Center in Australia wanted to locate a working electromagnetic example of this human fractal logic in nature.

The scholar, Matti Pitkanen, expanded de Chardin’s ideas on the lost Greek science of universal love. Every 11 years the sun sends deadly balls of electromagnetic radiation towards the earth which are picked up by the earth’s electromagnetic hands and shot off into outer space. Pitkänen noted that the process met the criteria for it to be considered an act of consciousness, in which electromagnetic forces act for the health of all life on Earth at the same time.

During the 20th century, the Arts and Sciences Research Center in Australia discovered new physical laws governing optimal biological growth and development through space-time. The mathematician and director of the center were both awarded the Gold Medal in 2009 by the Telesio-Galilei Academy of Sciences in London. Professor Simon Schnell, Head of Biological Research at Moscow University, also received such an award after his impassioned lecture on the burning alive of the scientist Giordano Bruno in Rome for his teaching on the Greek science of universal love at Oxford University.

While the wrath of the Inquisition may have lost steam, thinking about life and death issues for humanity still suffers from poignant limitations due to existing religious beliefs. In honor of those great scholars of the Church who have suffered so badly because of its hierarchical character, challenges to established scientific dogma regarding discussion of the spiritual or tridimensional sciences should not warrant condemnation as heresy. The Roman historian Cicero records that Greek atomistic teachers of universal love were called saviors. Perhaps, Thomas Jefferson’s published conviction that Jesus Christ was the greatest of these scientists who inherited the title “Savior” might provide a sort of modern healing salve for the church during the future technology debate.

Written by Professor Robert Pope
Copyright © 2010 Robert Pope

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Third Party Review of Q Sciences – Is It a Good Company? Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:22:38 +0000 So another company within the network marketing industry is getting some buzz online. The company name is Q Sciences. And if you are reading this article, you are probably looking for information about Q Sciences. Maybe you’re considering joining and doing some last-minute research. If this is the case, look no further. In this Q Sciences review, I’ll get into the key details you need to see before participating. I want to disclose that I am not a distributor of Q Sciences or an IBO, nor am I a customer. In fact, it makes no difference to me whether you join or not, so you can be sure that you will get an unbiased perspective of the company and its business opportunities.

Q Science Review | Who is Q Science?

If you’re looking to partner with the company, it makes sense to make sure the company is strong and here to stay so that you don’t have to start over a year from now. Q Sciences is a company that sells nutritional products to people and pets through a network marketing business model. They have products that support brain function, amino acid supplements that promote muscle growth, and delicious shakes that provide vitamins and minerals to support overall health. In addition, the company also sells a line of oral sprays that provide various health benefits ranging from vitamin D support, weight loss, and improved sleep. From a business standpoint, the company is ideally positioned ahead of the health and wellness segment. For this reason, there is a huge market for these health products as everyone wants to feel better and get healthier. In fact, they’ve already served 80,000 customers and counting. Also from a business point of view, the company looks solid with a very experienced management team. The company is chaired by Founder, CEO and President Darren Hough. Hogge has over 25 years of experience in the network marketing industry and has held executive positions at three other companies, so he brings a lot of experience to the company. Overall, the company seems poised for growth and is poised for future momentum. Of course, if you are serious about the company, I suggest you check out the actual product line on the company’s website.

Q Science Review | How do you make money?

In order to become an active distributor, you will have to purchase the initial product (along with a $99 business registration fee). After the initial order, you will have to maintain a monthly automated shipment in order to get paid. The compensation plan provides 11 ways to get paid. You can earn instant income simply by selling products to retail customers. You can also generate instant income with our Quick Start Business, which pays up to 20% on up to the first three levels of distributors. You can also earn some other rewards and even win a free product by registering 3 active preferred customers. The real potential in a compensation plan lies in the opportunity to build residual income. As you build your team and group client base over time, you can earn up to 1%-5% of the volume in your team. Depending on your rank, you will be able to get paid on up to 10 levels of your work. Also a long term possibility, you can earn 2%-6% matching bonus on the residual income of distributors in the first 6 tiers, and you can qualify for driving groups intended for senior company leaders. Finally, there is a car bonus that you can earn ranging from $500 to $1,500 per month depending on your rank. Overall, the compensation seems fairly fair and could be a financial windfall for the right person with the right skill sets.

Q Science Review | Is it a good chance?

The short answer is yes. First-class management team. Products are marketable. And the compensation plan is fair and generous. So, success should come naturally, right? Well, nothing could be further from the truth. While all of these things are clearly beneficial, they play a minimal role in your success. Your ultimate success will depend on your ability to continually nurture new distributors and new customers in person over time. If you can’t sign people up for your business, you have little or no chance of success. This is why I highly recommend Attraction Marketing. If you can learn how to market and how to get leads online, you will greatly increase your chances of building a profitable business. If you can integrate Attraction Marketing into your company’s proven system, there is no telling how prosperous your Q Sciences business will be.

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Renaissance science and the problem of overpopulation Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:22:37 +0000 The fifth century BC philosopher, Anaxagoras, was a central figure in the development of the life sciences in the classical Greek era. The Harvard/NASA High Energy Astrophysics Department Library published papers demonstrating that this science of life was based on fractal geometric logic. During the fifth century, St. Augustine classified the mathematics of the pagan life sciences as the work of Satan. This effectively denied re-emergence until the present when engineer Buckminster Fuller’s fractal life energy theories, derived from exiled mathematical research of Plato, were observed operating within DNA. Fuller’s work became fundamental to the new Institute for Medical Life Sciences established by three Nobel laureates in chemistry in 1996. Fuller’s worldview completely defied understanding of the fixed world view of universal energy.

Plato wrote that engineers who did not understand the principles of spiritual geometry were like barbarian warriors who could not be called philosophers. Since moral mathematics has been separated from life science physics for nearly sixteen hundred years, it is necessary to point out that for centuries, well-meaning aesthetic considerations were no real substitute for the lost principles of Greek moral physics. This statement requires a reliable reference, as it is rather an insult to honest attempts by scholars who have striven to act or think ethically.

In 1990, Eduard Husserl’s book On Pure Logic listed the mathematician, Bernard Bolzano, as one of the world’s greatest logicians. German scientists have recently rediscovered Bolzano’s theory of science, which was built by correcting the aesthetics theories of Immanuel Kant. Through computer extrapolation, they discovered that Bolzano had based his correction on fractal logic. In 1991 Cambridge University Press published the German scholar J. Alberto Cova’s reaction to Bolzano’s correction of Kant’s work. In a book titled The Semantic Tradition from Kant to Carnap. To Vienna Station, the following paragraph has been edited by Linda Wessels: “Kant had not seen these problems; Bolzano had solved them. His solutions became possible, and were the source, of a new approach to the content and character of foreknowledge.” Therefore, it can reasonably be said that the principles of Plato’s spiritual-ethical geometry should not be excluded from science in the first place.

Our current scientific view of the world is barbaric because it is improperly governed by a power law that forbids the existence of any life science linked to the functioning of a universal morality based on fractal logic. We can now compare the old geometrical logic regarding solutions to, say, the overpopulation problem, with the new fractal logic of the life sciences. The famous population essay of Thomas Malthus was based on the religious teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas, the direction of which has become synonymous with the second law of thermodynamics, which now governs all science.

Charles Darwin cited Matus’ population paper as the basis for the theory of evolution in his Biology. One generally accepted inevitable solution to the problem of overpopulation is that nature will find a way to cull the population. On the other hand, fractal logic now offers different realistic models that point to new techniques that provide more ethical considerations.

Animal and plant fatty acids combined with minerals in prehistoric clays to form a liquid crystal optical mineral soap. When exposed to cosmic radiation, crystal structures evolved, defying the logic of current deterministic life sciences. For example, the growth of jasper crystals produces Mumford fractals. Mainstream science accepts that the property of fractal logic is that it extends indefinitely. The principles of Plato’s mystical or three-dimensional optical geometry seem to have been instigated by nature for some entirely unknown future purpose. The Human Swarm Technology hints at various possibilities beyond the capacity of even modern science to begin to comprehend, echoing Emmanuel Kant’s inability to visualize the problems Bolzano solved.

The population may soon inherit the moral technologies nature foresees to allow the population to disperse into aspects of holographic reality that hold infinite potential for human survival.

Professor Robert Pope

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Renaissance Science – The Physics of Social Cancer Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:22:36 +0000 At the 1979 World Summit of Science meeting held at the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Kun Huang, the most awarded Chinese physicist, agreed with the Director of the Australian Science and Arts Research Center in Australia that modern physics does not have the capacity to embrace life energy forces because it can only deal with mechanical logic.

Classical Greek anatomy was based on the geometry of the golden mean associated with the harmonic motion of Pythagoras’ music concept of spheres. Celestial motion was also thought to use the forces of harmonic resonance to impart evolutionary guidance information to the movement of atoms within biological systems. Huang suggested that by observing evolutionary pattern changes to the various golden mean designs recorded in the world seashell fossil record, it might be possible to infer the nature of the new life energy laws of physics.

During the 1980s, the Center for Science and Arts had several serendipitous life energy papers published by Italy’s leading scientific journal, Il Nouvo Cimento. In 1990, two of them were selected to be among the important discoveries of the twentieth century by the IEEE in Washington. This institute is dedicated to improving the human condition and is the world’s largest technical professional society. The mathematician at the center has created a simulation of a living creature out of seashells. By lowering the harmonic order of the formula, he creates a 20-million-year-old fossil ancestor of the creature. By demoting by lower harmony, he gets to simulate the fossil, Niponites Mirabilis, becoming the first person in the world to associate this fossil with any organism.

In 1995, the mathematician of Serendipity won the internationally reviewed first prize in Biology for her discovery of new physical laws governing optimal biological growth and development across space-time, validating Kun Huang’s original hypothesis. It was recently discovered that the first bone to form in the human fetus, the sphenoid bone, is now changing shape under the influence of the same physical forces that control the development of the shell. The sphenoid, known in chemistry as the Golden Mean, is in vibratory contact with the sea shell design of the inner ear. Niponites Mirabilis was designed to keep the creature upright in the water and the inner ear design kept humans upright on land. The Arts and Science Center is now working on a project to generate a future simulation of human survival in order to infer the nature of new human survival techniques.

From the human adipose fossil record, we can note that each time a new type of human was transformed. By running the life forces in the Music of the Spheres through the human fossil record, it should be possible to generate a scenario of human survival for twenty million years. This vision of humanity’s healthy future will provide a reliable model upon which to obtain this new survival technology. This technology will be associated with a process of fractal logic that works in defiance of the laws of physics that govern the current scientific worldview.

The moral reason why this science of fractal life should be developed is that, using classical Greek fractal logic, it is possible to generate healthy biological growth and development through space-time. Attempts to do this using current bioenergy science can generate biological abnormalities. It can be considered that our current understanding of the life sciences contains a cancerous logic.

Dr. Richard Merrick of the University of Texas used Classical Greek Music for Life Sciences in Fields to explain, in great biological detail, the basis of fractal energy for creative thought. NASA has published papers claiming that ancient Greek biology was based on the logic of fractals. The engineer Buckminster Fuller, in his book Utopia or Oblivion, argued that unless science was unified with the ancient world view, civilization could not survive. The current global scientific cancer can be prevented from moving to an end. Fuller’s work has been employed to rewrite chemistry as the basis for the new medical life sciences.

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Solar water heating: A renewable energy solution for your home Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:22:35 +0000 Solar thermal energy is a renewable energy technology that uses the sun’s energy as a heat source. It is a great way to generate energy and provide heat, hot water and cooling to homes. The most common uses include heating domestic water, pool water, and living space. Here we will discuss solar thermal systems for hot water.

Like solar PV, this is a sustainable green energy source. With global awareness of environmental concerns and ever-increasing energy costs, many homeowners are looking for ways to save even more money especially on alternative methods of energy generation. Things to know about solar thermal energy for heating water in the home include:

Types of complexes. There are three basic types of complexes dubbed: low, medium, and high. Low collectors are flat panels used to heat swimming pools. Intermediate collectors are also flat plates and are used to heat water and air. High collectors use mirrors, lenses, and other materials with reflective surfaces to collect sunlight, which they then use as general electrical energy.

stabilizing. The panels are very lightweight and easily assembled. There is usually no need for an overhaul of the wiring and chassis. Basic space requirements include about a few hundred square feet of flat surface.

What equipment is required? To harness the sun’s energy through solar thermal energy, the following are needed:
1. Collector
2. Storage tank
3. Expansion tank
4. Solar power station with pump
5. Control
6. Sunscreen
7. Hardware installation and
8. Pipes

How does this work? Solar collectors, including tubes or tubes that contain a liquid (often oil or water) in them, are placed on top of the roof. The sun will heat the tubes and thus the solar fluid. The control unit checks the system temperature. The solar plant pumps pump the liquid from the collector into the hot water tank. The liquid will then flow through a coiled tube inside the water tank making the water inside the hot water tank hot. The water from the hot water tank can then be used directly for domestic needs. The liquid is pumped back into the collector to be heated by the sun again. To take advantage of the full potential of your rooftop solar collectors, position them facing south, and tilt them 45 degrees toward the sun.

What about winter time? Does it work more efficiently during cold seasons than during hot, sunny days? Limited heat is available during the day during the winter, therefore, solar thermal collectors will operate less effectively. However, the system will still provide significant savings through the year.

Long before fossil fuels were discovered, humans made way to survive and live. Now that these supplies are depleted, humanity will have to switch to renewable energy to continue living a comfortable life. Solar thermal energy is free and with the improvement in technology it is becoming easier to convert it into electricity that a family can use. Solar thermal energy as an energy source not only helps save the environment from further damage but also ensures that people can live a better life by saving energy costs. Solar heat can also be used to heat and cool the home as well. See our upcoming articles on these technologies soon.

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Blocking Negative Energy: Protect Yourself with Archangel Michael Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:22:35 +0000 Many sensitive people and spiritual seekers these days struggle to truly feel fulfilled and balanced in their daily experience, even though they may have moments of intense spiritual connection.

Although many spiritual seekers agree that there is only one ultimate force in the universe and that force is infinitely good, there are still daily struggles to block negative energy—energy that other people might feel, spend time in places where there have been arguments, or even just watch the news.

There is a power to block negative energy that all people possess, and although there are an infinite number of ways to do this, I want to show you a way to protect and clear yourself with the power of one of the most famous and beloved of all angels, Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael specializes in removing the effects of negativity from our energy fields, and in psychological protection and protecting us from negative energy.

Here are some suggestions for what to do when you feel you need to consciously block negative energy from entering your energy field:

  • Immediately call Archangel Michael to be with you. Simply think or say: “Archangel Michael, I ask that you be here with me now, surrounding and protecting me, guiding and guiding me. Please protect me from the effects of negativity from any and all sources now.”
  • Ask Archangel Michael for clarification in your energy field. Just because you feel there is negative energy “out there” doesn’t mean there is no need to filter out the energy inside Your energy field too. Say or think: “Archangel Michael, I ask you and your legions of light to now enter my energy field and home, to bring out your spiritual voices of light, healing, healing, and to remove any and all psychic debris hanging in my physical, etheric, emotional, mental, and all layers of my spiritual body.”

Keep breathing while Archangel Michael does all the work for you.

Also, it is important to keep in mind that while the angels will assist you in blocking negative energy, you must also commit to keeping the energetic environment of your own consciousness as pure and alive as possible to maintain a safe and protected psychic space.

Angels can’t do that to You what you will not co-create with them.

You can even ask Archangel Michael (or any of the angels, really) to help you with that.

After completing the clearing above, continue to breathe and pray:

“Archangel Michael, my mentors, guardian angels and spiritual teams, I ask you now to raise my personal vibration beyond the level of collective consciousness, negativity, or pain in which I was previously shaken. Please fill me now with a shower of love, light, and healing, so that I may be a positive healing effect in this world and beyond. Amen.”

Relax, breathe, and offer your heartfelt gratitude to the angels for this powerful free gift they have just given you.

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Quantum Science Necklace – Review of the Quantum Energy Necklace Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:22:24 +0000 If you are looking for quantum energy levels, the Quantum science necklace its yours. This unique piece of jewelry originated in Japan; Using their local source of lava and other natural mineral elements, they used quantum science to fuse these elements along with scalar energy waves on a molecular level. These pendants strengthen the body’s natural bioenergy fields, restoring their weakened state. Once your energy levels are restored, you will start to feel healthier and feel better than ever.

These pendants have gained popularity in recent years and are bought and sold in more than forty countries around the world. It is available in several unique designs that include an all-in-one package that will heal your weak body. Once strengthened by wearing the Quantum Science Pendant, your body will use its own energy to heal your body starting at the cellular level, working with the energy frequencies of your cells, organs, and tissues. Because it works on all physiological levels and systems of the body, your entire body begins to resonate with energy and your entire body feels the difference.

The formation of scalar energies is closely related to the Earth’s magnetic field. The waves it produces are 5D standing waves and are not linear like Hertzian waves. It maintains its integrity and tightness as it moves through hard objects. While passing through solid objects, he instills his signature within them. Once this energy is combined it does not change. By wearing the Quantum Science Pendant, you bring the scalar waves close to your body. This energy is then transferred from the pendant to the cells, and cellular activity increases. With increased cellular activity, nutrients are drawn into the cells, and waste products are extracted at an increased rate of metabolism.

The natural and wellness values ​​of the necklace have been identified and studied for the optimal effect on the wearer. The benefits of wearing a scalar energy pendant have been bombarded with claims, the quantum pendant hoax and it is a hoax. The list of its benefits below, along with the amazing number of testimonials available from necklace wearers, will show that these claims of hoax and fraud are untrue.

Benefits of wearing a quantum science necklace

1. It improves blood circulation

2. Eliminates or reduces arthritis

3. Migraines and headaches are a thing of the past

4. It strengthens the immune system

5. It increases cellular activity

6. It opens the arteries for a clearer flow

7. Improves strength and vitality

8. Eliminates harmful bacteria and viruses

The transmission of health enhancing energy to every cell in your body is due to the frequencies of energy flowing through the cell membranes, which are increased by the scalar wave each cell becomes ideal for a healthy life. The only way to prove something to yourself; would have to try it; This is especially true with the Quantum Science Pendant. Within 24 hours of applying it, you will feel the difference in your body, because reputable sellers always offer a money back guarantee, then you don’t have to worry about losing your money, give it a try. You will be amazed at the difference in how you feel physically, emotionally and mentally.

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